We’re on a mission to change the way companies think about and value appreciation.

Real people, real products, and real appreciation

A company is built on the value it places on people. Whether that’s staff or customers, the people who contribute to your business are crucial to its success. If your employees perform well, so do you. If your customers like what you do, they’ll return. The more you value both, the more they’ll repay you with extra effort, better output, and greater loyalty. And that can make a big difference to your bottom line.

Just as you measure ROI, you can also measure return on appreciation. ™ This is why it’s important that people know how much they mean to you. Sure, you can send a bottle of wine or pick a gift and hope they like it, but that’s just checking a box.

Real appreciation means doing more for the ones you value, creating deeper connections, and strengthening relationships. When you rethink how your company expresses that value, everyone benefits. And that return on appreciation makes a big difference.